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20 - 22 September, 2022,
Sibiu, Transylvania, Romania, European Union


March 14, 2025



The 8th Aquatic Biodiversity International Conference Sibiu, Romania, European Union, 20-22 September 2022


The conference will aim to communicate recent advances in the aquatic biodiversity: assessment, monitoring, conservation and management, aquatic habitats - biodiversity interrelations, aquatic biodiversity and alien species, aquatic microbial ecology, food web interactions and aquatic productivity, wetlands biodiversity, research methods in aquatic ecology/biodiversity, ecologic reconstruction and the biodiversity, human impact and the aquatic biodiversity, global changes. Both senior and student researchers can submit scientific materials; please see the online REGISTRATION.

Online participants are kindly asked to fill in the Attendance Form.


COVID-19 pandemic situation - ABIC 2022 flexibility

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic's uncertain evolution and the potential situation regarding the Aquatic Biodiversity International Conference date (20-22 September 2022) THE CONFERENCE WILL BE HYBRID! Before the start of the conference, the organizers will contact all the participants about the situation. Keep in touch at ad.banaduc@yahoo.com



Sibiu/Transylvania/Romania/European Union was designed following the vote of the European Union Ministries of Culture Council to be the European Capital of Culture in 2007 - https://sibiucity.ro/en/10_lucruri. There are lots of reasons why you should visit Sibiu, here are only 10 reasons.



The official language of “Aquatic Biodiversity International Conference” is English.


Submitted materials review

All submitted materials are reviewed by minimum two members of the Scientific Advisory Committee and/or appropriate referees.


Aquatic Biodiversity International Conference Archive

Aquatic Biodiversity International Conference 2019

Aquatic Biodiversity International Conference 2017

Aquatic Biodiversity International Conference 2015

Aquatic Biodiversity International Conference 2013

Aquatic Biodiversity International Conference 2011

Aquatic Biodiversity International Conference 2009

Aquatic Biodiversity International Conference 2007


Organized by:
�Cristina Brumar