
The International Nonformal Education Conference – INEC 2024, now in its ninth edition and eleventh year of existence, will continue its tradition and will integrate outstanding professional, cultural and socializing activities. In 2013, the first scientific event dealing with this form of education was organized at the “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, following the initiative and commitment taken by several teachers who participated in a professional event organized in Predeal.

The International Conference on Nonformal Education, 2024 edition, is structured in two types of sequences, namely plenary sessions of scientific presentations and workshops, which mainly address the issue of non-formal education and other specific aspects of the educational process. There will be two thematically organized series of workshops on the following two themes: “Examples of flexible curricular resources” and “Mapping professional development needs and mentoring in education”.

The series of workshops under the theme “Mapping professional development needs and mentoring in education” will be coordinated by some of the members of the Thematic Network “Mentoring in education and training”, set up within the Romanian Association for Research in Education (ARCE), a network coordinated by Prof. Prof. Dr. Daniel Mara, from the University “Lucian Blaga” in Sibiu.

The organizers and participants propose, also in this edition, as the main objective of the conference, the exchange of ideas, professional opinions and best practices in non-formal education, as well as the development of the skills of the participating educational agents to design and carry out educational activities with positive impact on the level of educable people of different ages. It will also analyze the instrumental role of mentoring in education in making all these activities more effective.

In this edition as well, we will enjoy the presence of specialists from several European countries, which will contribute to the creation of interactive, complex and creative intercultural communication contexts and a modern curricular framework for the conference. As non-formal education actions are designed and implemented with the aim of responding to the interests, skills and desires of the participants, it is recommended that teachers and specialists involved in non-formal education activities have specific psycho-pedagogical competences. In addition, openness, activism, cognitive and communicative flexibility, adaptability, creativity, commitment to educational issues and substantial enthusiasm are desirable. Many of these goals can be achieved in the two series of workshops held under the aegis of the international conference on non-formal education, but also in different contexts of professional communication and socialization.

The International Nonformal Education Conference – INEC 2024 will be held in partnership with the “Petru Maior” College in Reghin, Mures County, the common desire of the organizing team is to create a space for individual and collective reflection, for beneficial, constructive and pleasant interactions, for effective professional and social communication, for mutually beneficial interinfluences, for friendship, respect and trust in each other. The participants from home and abroad relate to this event with a special openness, affinity and joy, fueled by a special energy, provided by pedagogical optimism, which is the premise for shaping competences that generate qualitative growth, improvement, innovation and progress in education.