Senior Research in General and Social Pedagogy at the University of Pisa.

Her current institutional positions include: member of the Doctoral board of Philosophy; member of the University Scientific Commission for the area “Historical, Philosophical, Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences.”

She is the Scientific Manager of the Special Projects for Education of the University of Pisa “Peer Education: collective experiences of scientific writing and narrative” (2022-2023) and “Countering Stereotypes to Enhance Talents. The contribution of children’s literature” (2023-2024), the Tuscany Region Project ‘Reading: Strong!’ (2023-2024; 2024-2025), and, over the years, she has participated in numerous research projects, including the Programs of Scientific Research of Significant National Interest ‘Mother, stepmother, sorceress: images of nature in Renaissance Europe’ (2023-2024; 2024-2025).

The main themes of her studies and research concern: the culture of quality in the different school orders and in “0-6 years” educational services; the pedagogy of well-being and relational systems; the competencies of educational professionals with reference to gender issues in educational work; the pedagogy of reading and children’s literature; the definition of educational paradigms in response to new educational emergencies (the pedagogy of risk and the role of educating communities; resilience education for the prevention of school dropout; the enhancement of talents and the issues related to gifted education).

She has presented scientific contributions at numerous national and international congresses and she has published volumes and articles at accredited publishers and scientific journals. Among the most recent: Educating Introspective Consciousness for an Ecology of the Self, “Orientamenti Pedagogici,” 1/2023, pp. 99-109; The 2030 Agenda in Children’s Literature. Current Issues for a Sustainable Future (Erickson, 2023); Enzo Catarsi: the Master of the Ethics of Relationships in Places of Education, “Rivista Italiana di Educazione Familiare,” 1/2024, pp. 53-66.