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A treia conferință internaţională de educaţie nonformală INEC 2016


International conference of non-formal education is in the third year of implementation. It mainly addresses the issue of non-formal education and other specific aspects of education. This year, the main objective is the exchange of best practices in non-formal education and the development of skills of participating educational parties in order to design and carry out non-formal educational activities. The presence of specialists from several European countries contributes to the development of a dynamic, complex and creative environment of the conference focused on non-formal education.

Conference is devided into two components:

  • plenary session;
  • workshops.

Presentations can be held in the following languages: German, English, Italian, Spanish, Romanian.

INEC 2016 will be held between 8-9 October, 2016 at Centrul de Perfecţionare şi Cercetare de la Păltiniş al ULBS.


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