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A patra conferință internaţională de educaţie nonformală INEC 2018


The international non-formal education conference at its fourth edition, proposed to take place on 6-7 October 2018, in Sâncraiu de Mureş, mainly addresses the issue of non-formal education, as well as other aspects specific to the educational process. This year's main objective of the conference is to exchange good practices in non-formal education and to develop the skills of participating educational agents to design and carry out educational activities with a positive impact on pupils and students. The presence of specialists from several European countries contributes to the creation of a dynamic, complex and creative framework for the conference focused on non-formal education.

As non-formal education actions correspond strictly to the interests, skills and wishes of the participants, teachers and specialists involved in non-formal education activities must have specific psycho-pedagogical skills, accompanied by much flexibility, adaptability and speed, but also by substantial enthusiasm. Many of these can be formed and developed within the workshops of the international non-formal education conference.

Conference is divided into two components:

  • plenary session;
  • workshops.

Presentations can be held in the following languages: German, English, Italian, Spanish, Romanian.

INEC 2018 will be held between 6-7 October, 2018 at The House of Culture from Sâncraiu de Mureş.

Images from the conference

2016 Archive
2015 Archive
2014 Archive

(in alphabetical order)

Primăria Comunei Sâncraiu de Mureș

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