International Labour Conference
“New technologies, consequences for the employment relationship”
October 11-12, 2019
FRIDAY, October 11, 2019
8:30 – 9:00 – Reception of guests – Aula Magna
9:00 – 9:30 – Opening of the Conference – Aula Magna
9:30 – 11:30 – Plenary session – Aula Magna
11:30 – 12:00 – Coffee break
12:00 – 14:00 – Panel presentations
14:00 – 15:30 – Lunch break
15:30 – 17:00 – Panel presentations
17:00 – 17:30 – Coffee break
17:30 – 19:00 – Panel presentations
19:30 – Dinner
SATURDAY, October 12th, 2019
9:00 – 11:00 – Plenary session – Aula Magna
11:00 – 11:30 – Conclusions
Closing of the Conference
11:30 – 19:00 – Cultural program
FRIDAY, October 11, 2019
Aula Magna
9:00 – 9:30 Opening of the Conference
Professor, Ph.D. Marioara Èšichindelean
Faculty of Law, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
Association “Society for Labor Law and Social Security”, President
Professor, Ph.D. Ioan Bondrea
Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Rector
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Daiana-Maura VesmaÈ™
Faculty of Law, Dean
Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
FRIDAY, October 11, 2019
The work between law and new technologies
Professor, Ph.D. Alexandru Athanasiu
Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest
Association “Society for Labor Law and Social Security”, Honorary President
L’économie collaboratrice des plateformes électroniques: nouveaux défis, nouvelles protections
Professor, Ph.D. Jean Michel Servais
Professeur invité à l’Université de Gérone,
Président d’honneur de la Société internationale de droit du travail et de la sécurité sociale, Ancien Directeur du Bureau international du travail, Suisse
Modern Technology in Civil Litigation: Panacea or Procrustean Bed?
Professor, Ph.D.Remco (C.H.) van Rhee
University of Maastricht, Netherlands
Discrimination by Algorithm
Professor, Ph.D. Charles Szymanski
Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
New technologies in the employment relationship: what matters for social justice
Professor, Ph.D. Antonio Márquez Prieto
University of Malaga, Spain
11:30 – 12:00 – Coffee break
FRIDAY, October 11, 2019
Aula Magna
Presentations in Panel I
Professor, Ph.D. Raluca Dimitriu
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Felicia Roșioru
Faculty of Law, BabeÈ™-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
1. Developments at EU level concerning the impact of new technologies on labour relations
Ph.D. Diana-Elena Crumpănă
European Policy and Program Officer, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
2. Comments on the new European working conditions directive
Professor, Ph.D. Ovidiu Èšinca
Faculty of Law, Agora University of Oradea
3. The Human Being and the ‘New Order of Work’ – Challenges and Perspectives
Professor, Ph.D. Claudia-Ana Moarcăș
Lecturer, Ph.D. Manole Ciprian Popa
Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest
4. Work performed through digital platforms. Consequences regarding the respect of the principle of equal treatment
Associate Professor, Ph.D.Monica Gheorghe
Faculty of Law, University of Sibiu
5. Dimensions of private international labor market law
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Radu Bogdan Bobei
Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest
14:00 – 15:30 – Lunch break
FRIDAY, October 11, 2019
Room 101, 1st Floor
Presentations in Panel II
Professor, Ph.D. Magda Volonciu
Faculty of Law, Titu Maiorescu University of Bucharest
Professor, Ph.D. Marioara Èšichindelean
Faculty of Law, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
1. Special clauses within individual atypical employment contracts
Professor, Ph.D. Magda Volonciu
Faculty of Law, Titu Maiorescu University of Bucuresti
2. Telework performed by teaching and research staff in higher education – in fact and in law
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Ana Ștefănescu
Faculty of Social and Political Legal Sciences, Dunărea de Jos University of Galați
3. Within the context of pervading all social and economic areas the new technologies horned also in the labour relations
Professor, Ph.D. Luminița Dima
Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest
4. Use of electronic signature in labor relations
Lecturer, Ph.D. Traian Tunsoiu
Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest
5. Protection of personal data throughout work relationships
Professor, Ph.D. Marioara Èšichindelean
Faculty of Law, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
14:00 – 15:30 – Lunch break
FRIDAY, October 11, 2019
15:30 – 17:00
Aula Magna
Presentations in Panel III
Professor, Ph.D. Luminița Dima
Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Carmen Nenu
Faculty of Economics and Law, University of Pitești
1.Exercise of collective rights in the context of digitalization
Professor, Ph.D. Raluca Dimitriu
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
2.Collective representation of platform workers
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Felicia Roșioru
Faculty of Law, BabeÈ™-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
3. Evolution of the Concept of Health and Safety in the Workplace in the Context of New Technologies
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Carmen Nenu
Faculty of Economics and Law, University of Pitești
4. Protection of work in the digitalized era. About the need to reevaluate the concepts of “worker†and “subordinationâ€
Professor, Ph.D. Alexandru Athanasiu
Lecturer, Ph.D. Anamaria Vlăsceanu
Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest
5. Decent work – reflections on the subordination report in the case of telemuncture
Ph.D. Mădălina Iordache
Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest – associate teacher
17:00 – 17:30 – Coffee break
FRIDAY, October 11, 2019
Room 101, 1st Floor
Presentations in Panel IV
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Septimiu Panainte
Faculty of Law, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Lavinia Onica
Faculty of Law, University of Oradea
1.Considerations regarding the alienation of the employee in the industry 4.0.
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Septimiu Panainte
Faculty of Law, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași
2. Brief considerations regarding the impact of new technologies on the application of Regulation 561/2006. News and perspectives
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Lavinia Onica
Faculty of Law, University of Oradea
3. Mobbing, bulling and other forms of moral harassment in the age of digitalization
Teaching Assistant, Ph.D. Alice Dobrinoiu
Faculty of Law, Titu Maiorescu University of Bucharest
4. The new technologies and the right to privacy of the employee
Ph.D. Candidate Georgiana Enache
PhD Candidate within the Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest
5. Sinteză a jurisprudenței franceze privind atingerile care pot fi aduse vieții private a salariaților prin intermediul noilor tehnologii
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Roxana Cristina Radu
Faculty of Law, University of Craiova
6. The impact of new technologies on the labor market in Romania and Spain
Ph.D. Candidate Ioana Florea
Ph.D. Candidate Faculty of Law, Titu Maiorescu University of Bucharest
17:00 – 17:30 – Coffee break
FRIDAY, October 11, 2019
17:30 – 19:00
Aula Magna
Presentations in Panel V
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Daniela Moțiu
Faculty of Law, West University of Timisoara
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Laura Georgescu
Faculty of Law, The Ecological University of Bucharest
1. Internal regulation – between tradition and modernity
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Daniela Moțiu
Faculty of Law, West University of Timisoara
2. Some aspects regarding working time in the context of current technology
Teaching Assistant, Ph.D. Luiza Lungu
Faculty of Law, Titu Maiorescu University of Bucharest
3. Importanța formării profesionale în contextul dezvoltării sistemelor de inteligență artificială (IA)
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Laura Georgescu
Faculty of Law, The Ecological University of Bucharest
4. Workplace flexibility in the digital era. Legal implications
Ph.D. Candidate Bogdan Ioniță
Ph.D. Candidate within the Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest
5. Considerations regarding the responsibility of the administrator of a company
Ph.D. Candidate Adriana Violeta Nistor
Ph.D. Candidate within the Faculty of Law, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
6. Consent in labour relations
Ph.D. Candidate Alexandru Georgescu
Ph.D. Candidate, Andrei Radulescu Institute of Legal Research, Romanian Academy
FRIDAY, October 11, 2019
17:30 – 19:00
Room 101, 1st Floor
Presentations in Panel VI
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Monica Gheorghe
Faculty of Law, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Gabriel Uluitu
Faculty of Law, Nicolae Titulescu University of Bucharest
1.Consequences of new technologies’ use relating to the patrimonial liability of juridical labour relations’ subjects
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Gabriel Uluitu
Faculty of Law, Nicolae Titulescu University of Bucharest
2.The issues regarding employer’s patrimonial liability for non-pecuniary damages caused to his employer
Lecturer, Ph.D. Radu Florian Gheorghe
Faculty of Law, Agora University of Oradea
3.The new regulation of the administrative-disciplinary responsibility of the civil servants
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Radu Razvan Popescu
The National School of Political and Administrative Studies Bucharest
4.Considerations regarding criminal liability specific to labor relations in the case of new forms of work relationship
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Cristian MiheÈ™
Faculty of Law , University of Oradea
5. The civil servant is the interface between the public authority and the citizens
Lecturer, Ph.D. Ana Mocanu-Suciu
Faculty of Law, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
6.Considerations regarding the investigation of crimes committed in the field of labor relations
Lecturer, Ph.D. Diana Cîrmaciu
Faculty of Law, University of Oradea
7.Information systems integrated in the structures of the records of persons and civil status
Lecturer, Ph.D. Andreea Dragomir
Faculty of Law, Lucian Blaga, University of Sibiu
FRIDAY, October 11, 2019
12:00 – 14:00
Room 116, 1st Floor
Students, Masters, Ph.D. Candidate
Student Maria Antonia Pomohaci
Faculty of Law, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
This year students will participate in this panel. III and IV, the specializations of Law and Public Administration within the Faculty of Law Sibiu, masters of the Faculty of Law Sibiu and Ph.D. Candidates from the Doctoral Schools organized at the universities of the country.
SATURDAY, October 12, 2019
9:00 – 11:00
Aula Magna
The New Technologies and the Non-standard Forms of Employment:Predictibility and Reciprocity not a parallel Universe
Professor, PhD. Claudia – Ana Moarcăș
Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest
Digital platforms and labour law: new challenges and perspectives
Ph.D. Giuseppe Casale
Director Turin School of Development, Secretary General ISLSSL
International Training Centre of the ILO, Italy
The subordination of a teleworker in the Polish labour law
Professor, Ph.D. Jakub Stelina
University of Gdansk, Poland
11:00 – 11:30 – Conclusions
Closing of the Conference
11:30 -19:00 – Cultural program