The Conference has the purpose to promote the development of the integrated systems for agri-food production (ISAP), between specialists, from the industrial units for agri-food industry, equipment, scientifically research, higher education system and from possible beneficiaries.
The participation to the conference can be achieved for presentation of scientifically works or for documentation.
The presented scientifically works will be published in a volume and CD, that will appear for conference days.
Each author can be first author of one paper, and coauthor of max. other 2 papers.
The fee for the participants is 100 EUR
The participation fee included participation on conference, proceedings, welcome cocktail, banquet, two lunches.
Accommodation could be arranged additionally
The payment could be made in EUR, account: account with IBAN RO51BTRL03301201N49321XX (RON) or RO26BTRL03304201N49321XX (EUR) opened at BANCA TRANSILVANIA on the name Lengyel Ecaterina with the mention " for SIPA`13 " or IBAN: RO41 BRDE 360SV 0742 03936 00, BRD Agengy ST O IOSIF, Timisoara, or directly at Conference Secretary in RON or in EUR, with order special mention " for SIPA`13 ".