The 40th IAD Conference

The 41st IAD Conference


IAD Board Meeting

"Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu

September 13th 2016, 12.00

IAD General Assembly

"Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu

September 14th 2016, 17.00

CEEPUS Network Meeting

"Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu

September 15th 2016, 17.00

Danube News 32

Conference Programme



Accepted abstracts will be published in a Book of Abstracts (in electronic format). The authors are encouraged to submit extended abstracts for publishing in a Book of Conference Proceedings (in printed format).

Selected material authors will be invited to publish in extenso in River Systems scientific series and special issues in extenso in Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research - The Wetlands Diversity series and/or Acta Oecologica Carpatica.

All instructions for publishing will be available online. Only manuscripts prepared according to the instructions, revised (if necessary) according to the review and duly submitted by the deadline will be published.


Early registration 31 January 2016, final registration 31 June 2016, early payment 31 January 2016, Late payment 31 June 2016.

Short abstract submission 15 May 2016, extended abstract submission 31 June 2016, reviewing of extended abstracts 31 July 2016, revised extended abstract sub. 15 August 2016.