Home Page
October 2007,
Sibiu, Transylvania, Romania, European Union

Romania Uniunea Europeana Moldova Belgia Bulgaria Marea Britanie Cipru Croatia Cehia Egipt Franta Germania Olanda Ungaria Monaco Iran Israel Italia Kazakhstan Macedonia Filipine Muntenegru Nigeria Polonia Iugoslavia Slovacia Slovenia Turcia Ucraina


  • 30 August 2011
    Deadline for first registration (authors will sent the title/titles, the desired topics for their works, and if the results will have an oral or poster presentation); special workshops suggestions; personal contact data (name, personal e-mail and telephone, institution address).
    All these data will be sent through e-mail at banaduc@yahoo.com as soon as is possible.
  • 31 August 2011
    Deadline for abstract submission - abstract template here
  • 16 September 2011
    Deadline for participation payment
  • 20 September 2011
    Depending on the number of abstracts submitted and based on the results of their evaluation by the Organizing Committee, you may be invited to give your oral paper as a poster.
  • 30 September 2011
    Deadline for late registration fee for participants with no paper/poster contributions.
  • Oral presentations (except the invited plenary speakers) are scheduled to last 15 minutes, including 10 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes for questions. Facilities will be available for Powerpoint (laptop PC, with CD-ROM and USB port). Presenters will be required to use the laptop provided, so should bring their presentation on CD. Please do not zip your files.
  • Posters should have a size not exceeding A0 (119 cm x 84 cm). Authors are encouraged to be present by their poster, to answer questions, during the formal Poster Sessions.

Organized by:
©Cristina Brumar