Multimedia Posters Session
Multimedia Posters Session includes graphical and video presentations of original applications or ongoing projects.
A special chapter including extended abstracts, graphical abstracts (posters) and video presentations of the applications presented within Multimedia Posters Session will be included in the conference volume.
A graphical presentation is a graphical abstract (poster) of the project/application. It graphically represents the main aspects of the project. An example of a graphical abstract can be found at the link below.
A video presentation must include a 10 minutes brief presentation of the authors, their affiliation and their work (project, application). The video presentation should be based on the graphical abstract (poster).
In both video and graphical presentations you should briefly point the motivation, objectives, originality, design, implementation and functionalities of your project/application.
An extended abstract follows the formal structure of a full article, but has a length between min 2 and max 6 pages. The extended abstract should begin with an Abstract that highlights the goal of the project and the original contribution. An Introduction section should give an overview and motivation of your work. In the next section you should present the design of your application correlated with its goal and a few details of implementation and interface. The last section must be a Conclusion section concluding your main contribution and containing a brief comparison of your work with other existing ones, future directions of study and the importance of your work. A short References section, with relevant items for your project, has to be added after Conclusions. The template for extended abstracts can be found at the link below.
All Multimedia Posters Session deadlines are identical to those of the ICDD conference.