Author’s guidelines

The papers have to be registered and submitted online via the Registration section on the conference webpage.

The official language of the conference is English. In order to be evaluated and accepted, all the submitted papers must be written in English.

Paper's length has to be between 6 and 14 pages.

Formatting issues

For editing please save your papers in one of the following formats: Microsoft Word Document (.doc), Rich Text format (.rtf) or LaTex (.tex). For each of these you can choose a template from the list below. Papers that do not match the formatting specifications will not be published in the conference volume.

Please upload, in an archive, the source (.doc/.rtf./tex*) and the pdf files.

* In case you use LATEX, please upload all necessary files ( .tex, .div, .eps, .pdf )

Content issues

All papers should be organized in sections and subsections:

  • paper abstract – a brief description of the paper’s thematic and original contributions;
  • introduction section – general overview of the paper with regard to: topic, intention, originality, state of the art and structure;
  • several sections that present the content of the paper;
  • a section of conclusions and future developments;
  • a reference sections.

Only papers with significant original contributions (theoretical concepts, practical applications, case studies, etc.) will be accepted.

Prior to the review process, all articles will undergo plagiarism detection using specialized software. Each paper will be subjected to a plagiarism check, with the total similarity percentage expected to be below 8-10% (varies based on the significance of detected similarities with other works), and individual similarity percentages (related to specific reference items) should not exceed 1%.

Presentation issues

  • PowerPoint or Acrobat PDF slides for presentation on a data projector are recommended for the presentation. Additionally, it is mandatory to present a practical demonstration/application.
  • The presentation language is English.
  • The time allocated to oral presentation will be 20 minutes, including discussions.

In case of any problems or questions please contact as by email We are looking forward to seeing you at the conference.