ISATT Membership Information

Membership of ISATT runs for periods of one, two or four years from the month of registration. It includes:

  • a voting membership for the chosen period of membership
  • eight issues per year of the journal TEACHERS AND TEACHING – Theory and Practice
  • two ISATT newsletters per year (online)
  • access to the membership directory
  • a significant reduction on ISATT conference fees
  • the opportunity to apply for a travel bursary to the next biennial ISATT Conference (students and members from low-income countries only)

PLEASE NOTE: An ISATT Membership is for personal use only. ISATT does not accept instutional memberships.This means that the TTTP Journal is not placed in a physical or digital library, nor in any way used to substitute for an existing or potential library (full) subscription. Evidence of deviation from this will result in termination of the membership.

We accept cheques, credit card details by fax or post and bank transfers.

Please access the following link in order to complete the Registration Form :