News and perspectives in labour law
The volume “News and perspectives in labour law” includes the papers presented at the National Labour Law Conference, the 5th edition, organized by the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Law, on October 30, 2015.
As with every edition, the event has enjoyed the participation of prestigious university professors and specialists in the field of labour law.
The participants underwent a multilateral and in-depth analysis of a series of norms in the field of labour relations that, within the legislative policy, are required to be reviewed and refined. Thus, uncorrelated legal solutions, errors existing in the labour legislation were highlighted and proposals were made to improve the labour law. At the same time, there have been presented norms in the field of labour relations adopted at European level and judgments delivered by the Court of Justice of the European Union in cases that had as an object preliminary matters, which are obligatory and which must be applied properly. Distinctly, there were also presented decisions of the Constitutional Court in solving the exceptions of unconstitutionality of some provisions of the Labour Code, being formulated criticisms against the practice of the last years of the constitutional legal department.
Technical data
- Title: News and perspectives in labour legislation – Sibiu Conference, October 30, 2015
- Price: 35.00 RON
- ISBN: 978-606-673-831-6
- Format: Academic
- Pages: 244