The labour conflict: theoretical and practical debates
The volume “The labour conflict: theoretical and practical debates” brings the papers together presented at the National Conference organized at the Faculty of Law, of Lucian Blaga University in Sibiu, on October 18, 2013, a scientific event that approach the theoretical and practical problems of the individual and collective relationships of work from the perspective of new realities: globalization, socio-economic crisis, flexi-security, etc.
The participants in the event identified types of labour conflicts and complied to the debate particular aspects of their amicable and / or judicial resolution.
Also, against the background of taking effect of the New Code of civil procedure, the consequences of the new procedural norms in the labour jurisdiction plan were analysed, emphasizing the principle of celerity in the written phase, the procedural co-participation, the ways of proof, the competing opinion of the judge.
Bringing together all these materials targeted on the theoretical and practical problems of high current level proposed by institutions such as the abuse of law, the written form of the individual employment contract, the dismissal analysed through the opportunity of the decision, the transfer of the company, the representativeness of the unions and which determines the pronouncement of different solutions in judicial practice, the volume constitutes, due to its certain practical utility, a real benchmark for practitioners in this legal field.
Technical data
- Title: National Conference – Labour Conflict: Theoretical and Practical Debates
- Price: 25,00 RON
- ISBN: 978-606-673-368-7
- Format: Academic
- Pages: 150