"Welcome to the 19th biennial Conference of the International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) at the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania. The theme of the conference is relevant and timely: Education beyond the crisis: new skills, children's rights and teaching contexts.
Both directly and indirectly, the theme is connected to many of the challenges facing us ranging from the digital revolution to economic and social crises, to political instability in many regions of the globe, to growing violence, to issues related to climate change, multiculturalism and migration.
Goal 4 of the United Nations, Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, states: "Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all". This goal demands that we reflect and act upon ways of meeting the expectations and needs of children and young people's education. The five Ps of the UN, People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership, are interlinked, integrated, and critical to developing strategies to respond to the demands for a better world.
This year's conference theme fits in the mission of ISATT. It will offer opportunities to reflect on the complex teaching contexts and the role of educators and other stakeholders in developing more comprehensive approaches and strategies to improve education for all. The conference's five sub-themes will provide you, the participants, with a wide range of possibilities to engage in discussion and sharing of knowledge and experiences: teaching and learning in contemporary society, technology and open education, learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom, teacher education and education in a multicultural world.
Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu is the gracious host of our conference. I would like to express my gratitude to the Executive Committee, Daniela Roxana Andron, Ioana Gabriela Mărcuț and Carmen Sonia Duse and their team, for their work and commitment to organise the ISATT conference in Sibiu.
The attractive venue, the wide range of topics included under the conference theme, as well as the social programme will ensure that your participation at ISATT conference 2019 will be most enjoyable, professionally rewarding and that you will return home with many memories to cherish, including an experience of Sibiu, a warm picturesque town and its surrounding area.
I am looking forward to meeting you in Sibiu.
Maria Assunção Flores
Chair of ISATT