Work Meeting 3.2. Children’s rights and children’s voice (20 participants) Trainer: Lecturer Alina Mag, PhD

Alina Georgeta Mag is a PhD Lecturer at the Teacher Education Department
of the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu. She has extensive experience in Early Childhood Education and Teacher Training and
her research areas cover these domains.
The change has become now a constant in everyday life. We are forced to pressure the volume of information and changes,
which are very fast. How the child is valued by society is reflected in the concern that children's rights are respected
and implemented in all areas of social life.In recent times we have seen the growth of new attention to childhood.
Radical questions are challenging long-held attitudes and beliefs about children. They are often seen by adults in terms of
stereotypes based on them being vulnerable or dependent. If children’s voice is heard, new ways of understanding come to life.
This workshop reveals that educators’ efforts are crucial to understand how today’s childhood is changing and to become professionals in education.
The change in attitude and practice involves seeing children in their own rights and as having rights, and that should be at the bases of any
educational modern department that trains future educators.
Work Meeting 3.3. Ethics in Education (20-25 participants) Trainer: Associate Professor Victoria Gabriela Gruber, PhD

Gabriela Gruber is a PhD Associated Professor at the
Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu. She has a long experience in teacher training for Early Childhood, for Primary
and Secondary Education.
Her research interests are focused on how to teach History and Civics through active methods,
based on historical sources, in order to develop the necessary competencies with students who are studying History.
The ethical aspects of the teaching process and teachers`ethical behavior represent other important targets in her research activity.
The main objective of the workshop is to analyze the teacher`s ethical profile in the contemporary society.
First, the participants will discuss on the relationship between ethics, and morals.
A brainstorming about ethical principles that should support the teaching activity will complete the first part of the workshop.
Watching a short movie that illustrate situations when teacher`s authority and power do not overlap will be followed by participants` debates.
Then, ethical dilemmas in education will be analyzed and solved. They will act as effective instruments in education for values and attitudes.
Conclusions on the teacher`s necessary ethical profile will end the activity.
Work Meeting 4.3. Facilitators and barriers to school integration of children with special educational needs (20 participants)
Trainer: Associate Professor Gabriela Gruber, PhD; Lecturer Maria Marcu, PhD

Maria Marcu is a PhD Lecturer at the Teacher Education Department -
Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu. She has extensive experience in the education and integration of children and youth with special needs
and her research areas cover this domain. She has been involved in multiple social projects.
An inclusive society is not possible without an inclusive education. Inclusive school must provide education for everyone and each one in order to facilitate the full and active participation of children with special needs in school and community life.
Beyond the legislative aspects that regulate the organization and functioning of inclusive education, there are a number of factors that intervene in the dynamics of integration process of children with special educational requirements in common schools.
This work meeting aims to analyze the factors - facilitators and barriers, which influence the efficiency of the integration of children with special educational needs in common schools, in order to find solutions to improve the process.