The Conference
The vision of the conference is the creation of an educational environment, that meets the need of students for knowledge and progress, that motivates and invites them to connect with each other and communicate with teachers. Teachers and students can only together succeed in creating a better world. If we want to know the future, we should start building it today!
ISATT 2019 Theme and Sub-Themes
Education beyond the crisis: new skills, children's rights and teaching contexts
- Teaching and learning in contemporary society
- Technology and open education
- Learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom
- Teacher education-experiences and challenges
- Education in a multicultural world
The Papers
The particular interest is to interrogate our
own attitudes about education and children's rights in a challenging and constructive way. It is a
huge chance to examine attitudes towards and experiences of childhood. The Conference will draw a
wide range of thoughts, research and practice from different countries to debate, challenge and re-appraise long held beliefs, attitudes and ways of educating children. Children's own perspectives on
their lives and on adults' attitudes towards them will be the focus of this event.
We look forward to receiving your paper proposal/s and participation!
Papers and Publication
There are several publication forms:
- All abstracts will be published in the conference abstract volume.
- All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, with ISBN (please pay attention to the proceedings template). In addition, 20 selected research papers will be included in a book published by SENSE PUBLISHERS.
- The 50 selected papers of the authors who choose an indexed journal, will be published in "Plus Education" (JPE), Publisher: Aurel Vlaicu University Publishing House.